Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green Curry Chicken

Tonight we had one of my favorite meals. I'm not really a meat and potatoes person. Darryl and I both grew up in meat and potatoes families so we love to try all different kinds of foods, Thai, Indian, Chinese, Japanese etc. Tonight we had Green Curry Chicken.

It's quite easy as I use Green Curry sauce and make it like a stir fry. One thing I find is that I use pretty mild vegetables like: cauliflower, mushrooms and zucchini. We served it over basmati rice, although usually we use coconut rice. Also as a side note its fairly spicy, even though I don't add the whole jar. But I take the kids stir fry out before adding the sauce for Darryl and I. I don't have a picture of dinner as we ate it before I remember. But I do have a picture of the leftovers.

One thing I've been trying to do more of is make extra of the dinner so we can have a couple of lunches from the dinner. We always use to buy a bunch of frozen lunches, as Darryl eats one every day for lunch. But I've been paying more attention to the amount of salt in canned and frozen food. There is lots so I think it's healthier for us to make extra and make our own "frozen lunches".


1 comment:

Lesley said...

I've always thought I hated curry but when I actually think about it I can only remember eating curry once and it was something I'd made using a recipe from the can of coconut milk, it was chicken, rice, apples, raisins, coconut milk and curry powder. That was probably 5 or 6 years ago. A couple weeks ago I attempted to recreate that meal, I omitted the curry and found it really flavorless. Maybe it's time I step out of the comfort zone and give it a try. I'll pick up some Green Curry sauce next time I'm shopping and see where it takes me.


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