Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 19,20 and 21 at the Beck's

Friday night we had the same old same old fish/orange recipe. Eventually I will venture outside the box and try some of your recipes. But, I hadn't grocery shopped so we made do with what we had. Basa fillets, caesar salad and steamed jasmine rice. I don't think I could live without my steamer. I bought the Pampered Chef microwave one but could never get the right time/measurements and it was always dried up into a rice cake looking thing so I went back to the tried and true steamer. It does take an hour but it tastes great and is

easy to clean.

I have no picture for Saturday because we didn't eat home cooked food. We were at a birthday party and didn't even stay for dinner. I had booked myself for something in the evening but Aaron seen how flushed I was and called crocket (that's code word for hometime) so I could have a rest first. That being said the Beck's had McDonald's for dinner and you know what?

1. The boys weren't even excited about the idea of a Happy Meal

2. Aaron and I had a hard time deciding what to eat

3. No one really enjoyed themselves.

That being said. It was totally not worth FALLING OFF THE WAGON!!! I hope Darryl enjoyed Phil's more than we enjoyed our McDonald's.

And tonight I tried another recipe from The Big Cook cookbook. It's a Mexican casserole. You mix cooked ground beef with onion, can of cream corn, can of tomato soup, can of red kidney beans, 1/2 cup of chilli sauce, 2 tsp chilli powder and a dash of worcestershire sauce. You layer this mixture with corn tortillas in a casserole dish and bake in the oven for about an hour. It was simply delicious! We served it with tortillas chips to entice the kids to try something new.

1 comment:

Lori Aitken said...

Don't worry about falling off the wagon, that Mexican casserole dish looks SOOO good that it absolves you of any fall off the wagon.

I'm going to have to try that recipe!


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