Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wrap up at the Campbell's

Well...I admit it. I'm a horrible person. On Friday, I gave up on being creative and trying new recipes plus taking pictures of our meals just 5 short days before the end of the Eat @ Home Challenge. Now, don't get me wrong...we kept up with the challenge until the last day but we spent those last 5 days repeating some of the meals we'd had earlier in the month and we dug some leftovers out of the freezer which was not exciting but we did eat at home.

This challenge has taught me a few things:

1. Although I love to read blogs and I love to put my thoughts in print, I don't think I have the dedication to be a blogger. Between bargaining with my teenager for time on the computer and the time involved to download pictures, I just don't do a good job of getting blog entries ready in a timely fashion. Kudos to all of the bloggers out're truly amazing!

2. I love number crunching, so budgeting and making my grocery money go as far as possible has always been a big priority for me. Especially in this day and age with the fast-rising cost of food, fuel, utilities, etc...there is very little we have control over with the exception of what the money experts call "consumables". This challenge has reminded me that you can get so much more food for your money at the grocery store than you can if you're eating out.

3. We have a family of 3, so I really only need to cook 4 nights per week because if I cook any more than that, we can't possibly keep up with eating all of the leftovers! I even fed some of the leftovers to my two wiener dogs!

4. I really do love to cook and although I'm not an adventurous cook when it comes to flavours from other parts of the world, it's still extremely satisfying to sit down to a meal that tastes gourmet and looks really appealing.

5. Lastly, although I'm glad the challenge is over (whew!...the pressure is off!) it wasn't as hard as I thought and I'm curious to see what Jenn has in store for us next!

1 comment:

Rowdy and Bette said...

But you did such a great job at blogging! Fun to read.

Joey and Maggie....
The Long and
Short of it All


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